Answered By: Joe Serafin
Last Updated: Oct 01, 2024     Views: 880

Through the TTUHSC El Paso Information Technology department's SysAid Help Desk Portal, you can access instructional material on how to configurate Citrix VPN for the following operating systems: 

  • Windows

  • Mac OS

A TTUHSC El Paso Citrix VPN connection is not required to access TTUHSC El Paso library resources. In fact, in some specific cases an active Citrix VPN can prevent access to library resources. For the best experience, do not activate your Citrix VPN when using the TTUHSC El Paso library web site or resources.

The purpose of a VPN is to grant off-campus access to resources that exist on the TTUHSC El Paso network, such as a TTUHSC El Paso file share in the TTUHSC El Paso data center, or a TTUHSC El Paso owned desktop computer in a TTUHSC El Paso faculty office.
Subscription library resources are the opposite of this. Library resources exist on the internet, but will require your validation through the proxy server to prove your affiliation with TTUHSC El Paso. The links on the library web pages have been specially-crafted to grant off-campus access via eRaider without the need for a VPN.