AnatomyTV is available through the TTUHSC El Paso library's mobile library homepage:
TTUHSC Mobile Library
Instructions for Download:
For Apple Users:
1. Click on StatTV! link.
2. From the homepage create an account.
3. Go to the Apple App store (click here) or click the Apple Icon next to the StatLink! mobile library link. Create an Apple Store account, or login with your credentials if you already have an account.
4. Find the Stat!Ref app and follow the directions to download.
For Android Users:
1. Click on StatTV! link.
2. From the homepage create an account.
3. Click on Android icon, which is located next to Stat!Ref mobile library link. This will take you to the Stat!Ref page on GooglePlay.
4. Create a GooglePlay account, or login with your credentials if you already have an account.
5. Click Install.