Answered By: Lisa Beinhoff, Ph.D., MLS, AHIP
Last Updated: Aug 14, 2024     Views: 1249

Your eRaider account is sufficient to access online library resources. However, to checkout books, use ILL (Interlibrary Loan) or any non-free library services such as Document Delivery and 3D printing, you also need an additional library account.

NOTE - because the majority of TTUHSC El Paso faculty, staff and students will never need a library account, they are not automatically created upon enrollment or employment. They are self-service created on an as-needed basis.

Use your eRaider (not your R number) to create a library account:

  • Patrons with a TTUHSC El Paso (not TTU) eRaider - Login to the Primo and click Your Personal Details.

Need help? Stop by either library location or call 915-215-4306 or 915-215-4315

See also:  What's the difference between an R number, an eRaider and a library account?